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2023-03-20 23:34:58浏览151


With the prevalence of English learning, the English proficiency of Chinese students has become a topic of great interest. 很多人认为随着英语学习的普及,中国学生的英语水平已成为一个备受关注的话题。

With the advancement of technology, many people believe that robots will replace human labor in the future. 随着科技的进步,越来越多的人认为机器人将在未来取代人类劳动。

A lot of people seem to think that social media has both positive and negative effects on our daily lives. 很多人似乎认为社交媒体对我们的日常生活既有正面影响也有负面影响。

Nowadays, environmental pollution has become a problem we have to face. 现今,环境污染已成为我们不得不面对的问题。

Recently, the problem of mental health has been brought into focus. Nowadays, there is a growing concern over people's mental well-being. 最近,心理健康问题引起了关注,如今人们对心理健康越来越关注。